What is comp time for exempt employees?

A woman working from home and her husband looking after kids

Time is a scarce resource, and how we use our limited time can make a significant difference in our work-life balance. Employees occasionally require additional time to unwind or attend to personal matters, and in this context, you may have encountered the term ‘comp time,’ short for compensatory time. It’s a concept designed to provide employees with flexibility in managing their work hours, and it’s especially relevant to non-exempt workers. But what about exempt employees? Do they get comp time too?

In this blog, we will delve into the concept of comp time, its relevance to various employee classifications, and the eligibility criteria for receiving it.

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Exempt and Non-Exempt Employees

Before diving into comp time, let’s distinguish between two essential employee classifications: exempt and non-exempt.

Exempt Employees:

Exempt employees are those who are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). They are typically salaried employees and are paid a fixed amount, regardless of the number of hours worked or how good or bad they have performed the duties of their roles. Exemption status is determined by job duties and salary level. For example, a marketing manager who is classified as exempt would receive the same salary whether they work 40 hours or 50 hours in a week.

Non-Exempt Employees:

Non-exempt employees are different. They can earn extra pay when they work more than 40 hours a week. Their pay depends on the hours they work, and sometimes it’s also based on how well they do their job. When they work overtime, they get “time-and-a-half” pay, which means, for example, if they usually earn $10 per hour, during overtime they get $15 for each extra hour they work.

For example, a cashier at a jewellery store is a non-exempt employee. If they work more than 40 hours a week, they’ll get paid extra for those additional hours.

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The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

The FLSA is a federal labor law that establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor standards for both the public and private sectors. It defines who is eligible for overtime pay and sets the criteria for classifying employees as exempt or non-exempt. The FLSA’s primary objective is to protect the rights of workers and ensure fair labor practices.

What is Comp Time: Benefits and Usage

Comp time, short for compensatory time, is a form of paid time off provided by employers to employees instead of overtime pay. This means that instead of receiving extra wages for working beyond the standard workweek or exceeding the maximum hours set by labor laws, employees are given additional time off that is paid at their regular rate.

For example, let’s say, John, an hourly employee, works 45 hours in a week. His regular wage is $15 per hour. According to labor laws, any hours worked beyond 40 in a week are considered overtime.

To calculate John’s overtime pay, we first determine his regular pay for the first 40 hours:

Regular pay = 40 hours × $15 per hour = $600
Now, John worked 45 hours in total, so he worked 5 hours of overtime:
Overtime pay rate = $15 per hour × 1.5 = $22.50 per hour (time-and-a-half)
John’s total overtime pay for the 5 extra hours is:
Overtime pay = 5 hours × $22.50 per hour = $112.50

Instead of paying John time-and-a-half for those extra 5 hours, his employer may offer him 7.5 hours of comp time at his regular rate ($15 per hour).

So, instead of receiving $112.50 in overtime wages, John receives 7.5 hours of paid time off. To calculate the value of this comp time:

Comp time value = 7.5 hours × $15 per hour = $112.50
John’s total compensation for the week remains the same, whether he receives overtime pay or comp time:
With overtime pay: $600 (regular pay) + $112.50 (overtime pay) = $712.50
With comp time: $600 (regular pay) + $112.50 (comp time value) = $712.50

So, John has the option to either receive additional pay for his overtime hours or take paid time off, with both options resulting in the same total compensation for the week.

How to Use the Comp Time?

In our above example, John received 5 hours of comp time for the extra work or overtime he completed on his job. He can utilize this comp time according to the agreement between him and his employer. Typically, comp time functions similarly to vacation or personal time off. John has the option to request the use of his comp time for specific days or periods when he wishes to take time off from work.

For instance, if John works 10 hours a day and already has 6 hours of previously accrued comp time, his total comp time balance would be 6 hours (previous balance) + 5 hours (newly earned) = 11 hours. Since John only works 10 hours in a day, he can take a full day off using his comp time, which would be fully paid.

However, to do so, John would need to coordinate with his employer to ensure that his requested time off does not disrupt workflow or essential operations. This ensures that John’s time off is managed effectively and does not adversely affect the functioning of the workplace.

Is the value of comp time and overtime pay the same?

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), there’s no direct legal requirement regarding comp time rate vs. overtime rate. However, the FLSA mostly applies to hourly employees. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Overtime Pay: FLSA mandates overtime pay for non-exempt hourly employees who work more than 40 hours in a workweek. This overtime pay must be at least time and a half their regular hourly rate.
  • Comp Time: FLSA and other laws don’t regulate comp time directly. But they do outline certain regulations. Companies can use comp time in their workplace and design their own comp time policies as long as they comply with these points:
  1. Employee Agreement: Comp time must be offered as an option to the employee, not forced upon them. They have the right to choose overtime pay instead.
  2. Equal Value (Sometimes): Some states might require comp time to be awarded at the same rate as overtime pay (time and a half). However, this is not a federal requirement.
  3. Accrual and Usage: Company policies should clearly define how comp time is accrued, tracked, and used. There might be limitations on how much comp time can be banked and deadlines for using it.
  4. Unused Comp Time Payment: Employers compensate employees for any unused comp time that expires.
  5. Comp Time Rate: According to FLSA, employers must provide a minimum of 1.5 hours of comp time for every hour of overtime worked.

What is the Limit of comp time?

For most employees, the maximum amount of comp time that can be accrued in a year is limited to 240 hours. However, certain healthcare and emergency service workers may be allowed to accumulate up to 480 hours of comp time annually.

Is comp time legal or illegal?

Comp time is regulated at the federal level by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), but it is also subject to regulation by different state laws. Due to certain flaws in comp time policies, some states have implemented stricter rules and regulations. For instance, Alaska has completely banned the practice of comp time, while other states like California only allow comp time in specific instances.

Therefore, the legality of comp time varies depending on the state. For more information on the legality of comp time in your area, it’s advisable to visit your state’s Department of Labor (DOL) website. They provide the most up-to-date regulations on comp time in your region.

Comp Time Pros and Cons for both employees and employers


Benefits of Comp Time for Employees:

  1. Time Off Without Loss of Pay: Comp time allows employees to take time off without sacrificing their regular pay, providing them with valuable opportunities to rest and recharge.
  2. Improved Work-Life Balance: By offering comp time, employers support their employees in achieving a healthier balance between work and personal life, contributing to overall well-being and satisfaction.
  3. Flexibility in Time Management: Comp time gives employees the flexibility to schedule time off according to their personal needs and preferences, allowing for better control over their work schedules.
  4. Enhanced Morale: Knowing they have the option to accumulate comp time for future use can boost morale among employees, as it demonstrates employer appreciation for their hard work and dedication.
  5. Increased Job Satisfaction: Comp time benefits contribute to overall job satisfaction by providing employees with additional perks beyond their regular compensation, fostering a positive work environment.

Benefits of Comp Time for Employers:

  1. Cost Savings: Comp time offers employers a cost-effective alternative to paying overtime wages, helping to manage labor costs while ensuring compliance with labor regulations.
  2. Enhanced Workforce Flexibility: By offering comp time, employers can provide their workforce with greater flexibility in managing time off requests, accommodating varying employee needs and preferences.
  3. Improved Employee Retention: The availability of comp time as a benefit can enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty, contributing to higher retention rates and reduced turnover.
  4. Boosted Productivity: Well-rested and satisfied employees are generally more productive, leading to improved performance and efficiency in the workplace.
  5. Positive Employer Branding: Offering comp time reflects positively on an employer’s reputation, positioning them as an employer of choice that values employee well-being and work-life balance.

Overall, comp time serves as a win-win solution for employers and employees alike, offering flexibility, cost savings, and enhanced well-being in the workplace.


Drawback of Comp Time for Employees:

  • Delayed Compensation: Comp time means employees are not getting paid extra for the overtime hours they worked immediately. Instead, they are getting time off later. So, if they need the money now, comp time might not be ideal.
  • Limited Flexibility: While comp time offers time off, using it might not always be easy. Employees have to coordinate with their employer to schedule time off, which might not always align with their personal plans or needs.
  • Accrual Limits: Some companies limit how much comp time employees can accrue. If employees don’t use it within a certain timeframe or if there’s a cap on how much they can bank, they might end up losing accrued comp time.
  • Unused Comp Time: If an employee leaves their job before using all your accrued comp time, he or she  might not get paid for it. Unlike vacation time, which is often paid out when they leave, comp time might not have the same payout.
  • Not Available to Everyone: Comp time is typically offered to exempt employees, meaning salaried employees who meet specific criteria. Hourly workers might not have the option for comp time and could miss out on this benefit.

The drawback of Comp Time for Employers or Companies:

  • More Paperwork: Offering comp time means more paperwork for the company’s HR department. They have to keep track of how much comp time each employee has earned, used and still has left, which can be a hassle.
  • Negative effect on the work: When employees accumulate comp time, they often save it up until they have enough for extended periods of time off. If there are no clear guidelines in the company policy to regulate this, employees may choose to take multiple consecutive days off. This can disrupt the workflow and negatively impact the company’s operations.
  • Increase turnover rate: If an employee wants to use their accrued comp time for leisure activities with their family during a specific period and requests time off from their managers, but the managers anticipate that approving the request might disrupt the company’s operations, they may decide to decline the employee’s request for time off. This situation could lead to the employee feeling dissatisfied and potentially considering leaving the company shortly.
  • Risk of People Taking Advantage: Some employees might try to take advantage of comp time by earning more than they should or by not using it when they’re supposed to. This can cause problems and disagreements between employees and their bosses.
  • Bad Feelings Among Workers: If comp time isn’t managed well or if some employees feel they’re not being treated fairly, it can create bad feelings among workers. This could lead to lower morale and less productivity.
  • Legal Issues: Companies need to make sure their comp time policies follow the law. If they don’t, they could get in trouble and have to pay fines or penalties.

Why Exempt Employees Don’t Get Comp Time

Exempt employees, however, do not have the same comp time option. This is because they are paid a fixed salary, and their exemption status is based on their job responsibilities. Exempt employees are expected to complete their job duties regardless of the time it takes. Whether they work 35 or 45 hours a week, they receive the same salary. 

Alternatives for Exempt Employees

While exempt employees don’t receive comp time, many employers offer alternatives to promote work-life balance and employee satisfaction. Some common alternatives include flexible work schedules, remote work options, and paid time off. These options allow exempt employees to better manage their work hours and personal lives without the need for additional compensation.

Let’s say Jennifer is an exempt project manager at a marketing agency. Her company values work-life balance and offers her the option of compressed workweeks. With this alternative, Jennifer can choose to work four longer days (11 hours each) and have a three-day weekend every week. This arrangement gives her more time for personal activities and helps her better manage her work hours and personal life without needing additional compensation or comp time.


Comp time, or compensatory time, serves as a valuable tool for promoting work-life balance and flexibility among non-exempt employees. However, the eligibility for comp time is rooted in the Fair Labor Standards Act, which applies to non-exempt workers. Exempt employees, on the other hand, are not eligible for comp time due to their salaried and duty-driven compensation structure.

Nevertheless, many employers recognize the importance of work-life balance for all employees, including exempt ones, and offer alternative solutions. These alternatives may come in the form of flexible work schedules, remote work options, or additional paid time off, enabling exempt employees to better manage their professional and personal lives without the need for extra compensation or comp time. The key lies in creating a workplace that values the well-being of its employees and provides them with choices that suit their individual needs. In this way, both exempt and non-exempt employees can achieve a harmonious balance between work and life.

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